Monday, August 23, 2010

Two More Weeks

I'm having this weird feeling of withdrawal. I'll be honest, it's depressing. I feel like everything I do here at home is unnecessary, because I'm leaving anyway. My mind is already saying goodbye to things, and I'm not ready for that yet. I don't know if it's normal, but it's bothering me a little. It's almost like a part of me is saying, "Don't get too comfortable. You have to move on to the next stage now." I wonder if all students who are getting ready to go abroad experience this.

I'm trying to get excited. Everybody should be excited when they go abroad, right? At this point, though, it feels like me going abroad is more fun and exciting for the people who hear about it than it is for me. I know how sad that is, and I'm making myself fight that feeling. But it's going to color everything that I do until I leave. Home will never feel completely cheerful and serene again until I go and come back.

I can't focus on that, though. I need to concentrate on preparing to go. A huge part of that is packing. I've made a list of everything that I have to bring with and... well, I seriously need to pare down, ha ha ha. I'm quite the clothes horse, so packing a limited wardrobe is going to be a challenge. I've read some tips online for packing for study abroad terms, though, and there are some really good tips that I'm applying, like packing scarves to make the same outfits look different. It probably sounds silly, but I've actually been practicing packing all summer. It's a good thing, too, because a lot of odds and ends that I wouldn't have thought of until it would be too late have come to the surface.

So, I'm off to fill my hot pink luggage set.
My mom got it for me for Christmas. So cute, and it will definitely stand out amongst the other luggage.

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