Monday, August 16, 2010

About 3 More Weeks Until I Leave for France

I've been meaning to start this blog for about a week, but other responsibilities have gotten in the way. Also laziness.

This blog is inspired by my dear friend Erin, who kept a blog about her study abroad term in Sweden. I'll be studying abroad for the fall term in Montepellier, France (not Paris, thank you kindly - though my plane will be landing there). Montpellier is a city in the south of France on the Mediterranean coast.

Look how cute!
Montpellier is supposed to be a laid-back place. It's comparable to Louisville, Kentucky and Barcelona, Spain. I've read that the food is some of the heaviest in France and snow is rare. It's the capital of its region.
I'll leave September 5th, land in Paris the 6th, hop on the TGV (superfast train), and hopefully be in Montpellier by the evening.
TGV, take me away to Montpellier!
Thank God I'll probably be doing all of this with Julianne, another girl from Beloit College who is attending the same university in Montpellier as me.

Hopefully I'll be a good and faithful blogger who posts really frequently and has lots of pictures to share every time. My intention is to fill this blog to bursting. Everybody, I'll do my best.

Please enjoy what I have to share. Thank you for looking.


  1. You better fill it up. We'll enjoy checking in on you. :)

  2. Thanks, Yvonne. This blog is mainly for the fam, so you better check it often!
